Parish Committees


This committee is in charge of encouraging young people/adults to take part in St. Michael’s services. They are responsible for rebuilding the group, working with the rector to train our members to know the various positions that will enhance our services. Looking for new members – young and experienced.

Aesthetics Committee

This committee seeks to encourage offerings and changes which harmonize with the spiritual and aesthetic feel of St. Michael’s and its traditions. This includes the physical changes for the exterior grounds and the interior spaces of the church. We focus on the decorative and distinctive, as well as sometimes the functional needs of the building and our surroundings.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for preparing the Altar and assisting with various services including Holy Eucharist, Morning Prayer, Lenten services, baptisms, weddings, funerals, memorials and any worship services requested by the rector. They change the Altar frontals and falls at proper times, wash and care for linens and decorate the church at Christmas and Easter. Members generally serve at a service once per month and co-chair a month during the year which includes scheduling and the monthly clean-up in the sacristy.


A few years ago, the archives that had been organized by Isabelle Carter, were weeded, reorganized, and relabeled. There is additional work that can be done: consolidating the material into one physical area, developing an index or “finding tool” for easier access, etc. Additional volunteers are needed.

Common Grounds

This committee plans programs for Adult Education following the 10 AM worship service. The committee meets only 2-3 times/year to plan and share jobs of contacting speakers. There are 1-4 programs per month depending on the rest of the church calendar. The history of Common Grounds is to have a variety of spiritual, educational, arts, community information and timely issues using expertise within the congregation and from outside speakers. One of the committee’s working principles is that “St. Michael’s loves to learn.” This committee is always looking for additional members.


This group of individuals come into the office on Tuesday (one individual is scheduled per week) to help count and record the previous weeks’ offerings and donations.


This Committee handles budgeting, reviews monthly financial statements and discusses and recommends expenditures to the Vestry for payment.

Christian Youth Ministry

We have a loving and devoted group of volunteers who take turns leading a Sunday School class on the first Sunday of each month. The church has purchased a program called Spark which is a wonderful curriculum that supplies ideas for church-centered lessons, music, Scripture, crafts and games. We would love to have you stop in and visit on a Sunday morning to see what we’re doing. And, there is always room for a few more volunteers.

Friendly Callers

This small group of parishioners take turns visiting (or offering to visit) homebound members each month in their homes or care facilities. We also take turns sending cards or telephoning a number of others each month. Our goal is to help these folks know that we remember them, are praying for them and just brighten their days a bit. These are the folks whose names are recited during the prayers of the people along with others. Reaching out and caring for each other is really the ministry of each of us.


Our wonderful greeters are in place every Sunday morning, either at the Fellowship Hall door or the Nave entrance, to offer you a warm smile and a gentle handshake! We would love to add you to our list of members. Generally, the time commitment is one Sunday per month. If you are interested in being the first welcoming face that our congregants see on Sunday morning, please let Donna Wipfli know.


This effort is organized by Irene Ehrmin and consists of volunteers recruited as needed for receptions following special church services. Volunteers bake, make small sandwiches or whatever is needed, help serve/replenish food during the receptions and provide set up and clean up. This is a wonderful service for our church and visitors alike and is just another reason that St. Michael’s is a special and welcoming place.

Knit & Pray Ministry

The Knit and Pray Ministry has as its focus the making of prayer shawls to bring comfort to those facing health or emotional challenges. We also knit hats and scarves for the Christmas at Sea program of The Seamen’s Church Institute which is based in Newark, NJ. and which has long been affiliated with the Episcopal Church. Winter caps and scarves have also been donated to various charities during the Christmas season.Currently coordinated by Anne Morris, the group met monthly at the church until March 2020. Since that time, members have continued to knit at home. We hope to return to meeting at the church, as we miss the time of fellowship and prayer.

Lay Readers

The Lay Readers is a group of about 25 parishioners who volunteer to read Scripture and prayers at our main Sunday and holiday services. Most read 4 or 5 times per year, while others read more often, depending on their interest and availability. Passages are sent to readers a few days before the service, so they can practice at home. We always welcome new members.

Live Streaming

The Live Streaming Ministry works to enable members to participate virtually in worship with us when they cannot be present in person. Duties involve starting and stopping the live stream to Facebook at the beginning and end of the service, adjusting the sound, and directing the camera to help virtual worshippers see and hear those who participate in leading the worship service. More volunteers would be very welcome!

Memorial Garden

The committee looks after the Memorial Garden which is the sacred place for interment of ashes located behind the church maintaining a serene and peaceful location through the seasons. The committee members tend the garden controlling invasive plants, removing dying trees and also plan for future layout of additional granite monument stones. Parishioners and friends are welcome to join the committee helping to tend on a monthly Saturday during April to October.

Music Committee

This committee serves as a liaison between our Music Director and the Vestry. We offer support, in any form, and an ear to all that is happening in the music area. We meet monthly, with the Music Director, to answer any questions he has, offer ideas and help him build upon that which is already in place. 

Off The Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path events series aspires to offer high-quality programming to our region, reflecting St. Michaels’ enduring values of spiritual growth, education and the fine arts.


Our purpose is to offer financial, emotional and spiritual support to neighbors near and far. We meet at least 4 times a year to discuss both how to disperse the Easter and Christmas Offerings and to seek out outreach opportunities for our parish. We are looking for anyone interested in joining us to explore opportunities for our parish to reach out to the Toledo area and beyond.


The Operations Committee collaborates with our Sextons to keep our building and grounds in working order. The committee undertakes special building and grounds related maintenance projects that fall outside the responsibilities of the Sextons.


The personnel committee helps to ensure policies, procedures, and processes are in place to support church staff and volunteers. The committee oversees the performance, calculates the salary and benefits, and ensures the evaluation of the church staff.


The Ushers at St. Michael’s in the Hills fill many jobs on Sunday mornings! They invite you into the Nave, hand you a bulletin, bring the elements forward, collect the offering and dismiss each pew for communion. They also take a count for attendance figures and to help the rector with the number receiving communion and report at the end of the service on the intake of contributions and attendance. We would love to add you to our membership.