Sunday School meets twice per month; the first and third Sunday of each month.
We explore ways to love, learn and serve through story-telling, singing, crafts and reading scripture, and we enjoy a snack! The class follows the 10:00 service and lasts approximately 45 minutes.
All ages are welcome to attend!
We offer nursery and childcare for children ages 6 months—5 years old during the service. Our student caregivers have gone through extensive training and are looking forward to greeting your child!
Children’s Corner
Children of all ages are welcome in worship!
A children’s bulletin, crayons and pencils can be picked up in the Children’s Corner, located in the narthex. This special area can also be used during the service, as the clear glass walls between the narthex and the nave allow parents to participate in worship while they accompany their little ones in the Children’s Corner.