Ukrainian Family Project
St. Michael’s has a long history of generosity and creativity in outreach. In 2023, we have the opportunity to help a Ukrainian family settle temporarily in Toledo, out of harm’s way.

Members of St. Michael’s in the Hills regularly volunteer their time, talent and treasure to a number of outreach programs in the Toledo area. In addition, the parish donates the entirety of its Christmas and Easter collections to help organizations in Toledo and beyond. Listed below are some of the programs where our parishioners have been engaged:

The Cherry Street Mission is one of the largest homeless shelters in Toledo. In recent years, our monthly men’s fellowship group, helped organize and serve a full meal for over 200 guests of the mission along with providing entertainment and clean up. Parishioners donated over 40 homemade pies for the event. In addition, the Mission was the recipient one year of St. Michael’s Easter offering.
Feed Your Neighbor

Feed Your Neighbor, a local foodbank, receives donations of non-perishable food from St. Michael’s year-round. The Outreach committee has funded additional supplemental staples to ensure a balanced offering to the Feed Your Neighbor clients. Click HERE for a current list of pantry needs. Donations can be dropped off in the basket in the Narthex (entryway) at church. We now have an Amazon List! Items purchased from Amazon will be shipped directly to the office. Thank you!

We have partnered with other churches, a synagogue and a mosque to build new homes through Habitat for Humanity through the years. St. Michael’s parishioners have helped frame, side, insulate, paint, landscape, and also greet workers and provide refreshments.