Upcoming Activities
Moms are invited to attend our newly formed “MUMS” Club (Mothers Uplifting Mothers) to share and discuss the good & the difficult parts of parenting. They will meet Thursday, February 20 from 9:30-10:30 am in the Commons Room. Come enjoy a break in your busy schedule to connect and form new friendships. We’ll enjoy snacks, coffee, tea & fellowship. Open to all, not just church members!
Upcoming Activities
Let’s go bowling! All ages are invited to Timbers Lanes in Maumee on Feb. 23 at 1:00 pm. Invite your family and friends. The cost is $14/person for two games and shoes. Payment will be made directly to the bowling alley upon arrival. Click HERE to sign up!
Sunday School & Childcare
We offer Sunday School after the 10 am service on the first & second Sunday of each month. Kids have fun exploring ways to love, learn and serve through story-telling, singing, crafts, reading scripture and enjoying a snack!

Sunday Service Livestream
Click on image above or anywhere in this box to go to the 10am service livestream and service bulletins.
Sunday Service Archive
If you missed a Sunday, visit our Sunday Service Archive page, where you can watch the service and access the bulletin for that Sunday, too! Worship services, music, and sermons prior to January 29, 2023 are still available on our YouTube Channel!
Feed Your Neighbor
We have an Amazon list now! Please consider purchasing items from this list, they’ll be shipped directly to the office. We continue to gratefully accept physical donations as well.
Neighbor to Neighbor

Virtual Compline
Our weekly Compline service meets via Zoom every Wednesday at 6:00 pm. Visit our worship page and scroll to the bottom for details on how to join.
Want to learn more about what Compline is? Click here!