Fellowship Groups

Knit & Pray Ministry

The Knit and Pray Ministry has as its focus the making of prayer shawls to bring comfort to those facing health or emotional challenges. We also knit hats and scarves for the Christmas at Sea program of The Seamen’s Church Institute which is based in Newark, NJ. and which has long been affiliated with the Episcopal Church. Winter caps and scarves have also been donated to various charities during the Christmas season.Currently coordinated by Anne Morris, the group met monthly at the church until March 2020. Since that time, members have continued to knit at home. We hope to return to meeting at the church, as we miss the time of fellowship and prayer.

Needlepoint Kneelers Guild

Under each chair in our sanctuary is a lovely, unique needlepoint kneeler.  No two are alike!  We care for the kneelers by restoring and replacing them when necessary.  Anyone who enjoys needlework and fellowship is welcome to join us.

Book and Dinner Club

The Book and Dinner Club is an informal group which meets monthly for a light supper and discussion of a book they have chosen.  Topics vary widely with varying interests from fun to serious.  We enjoy the fellowship, food and lively discussion.

Support Groups – Al-Anon

We provide meeting space for Al-Anon each Monday at 1:00 PM.