Common Grounds adult seminar is a vital part of Christian Education at St. Michael’s in the Hills. Most Sunday’s after the 10:00 service (Sept. through May), adults are invited to the Fellowship Hall for presentations of spiritual, cultural and social topics. Presenters are often congregation members, spotlighting the wealth of talent and experience in our parish. Church organizations and committees are welcome to use Common Grounds as a forum for increasing awareness for special needs and projects. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes.
March 30: Join us for Coffee Hour in the Commons Room!
April 6: Air Conditioning Capital Campaign Kick-Off
Come help us kick off the next exciting adventure of this church. Our long-awaited capital campaign to raise funds to air condition the church will begin. Come celebrate with us! Ask questions, have some refreshments, get inspired!! See how far we have already come. Be a part of investing in our future!