Sunday punch on the lawn in the summer, the annual outdoor 9:45am service in the Memorial Garden the last Sunday of August, the Rogation Day walk around the grounds, the spring and fall Blue Jeans Sundays: This is a part of the life of St. Michael’s. Towering oaks, plants surrounding the church (a number of which are native to our Oak Openings region) and courtyard and memorial gardens all combine to make St. Michael’s a peaceful, natural setting for worship, fellowship and discerning the work that God calls us to do.

A dedicated corps of volunteers oversees the maintenance and care of the grounds and plantings surrounding the church and rectory. On spring and fall Blue Jean Sundays, parishioners of all ages, dress in work clothes and remain after church (no Common Grounds those Sundays) to help with grounds clean-up. This activity provides a way that parishioners can work together for the benefit of the church.