Current Opportunities

APRIL 2021

This Easter Season, a time of great need, brings us an opportunity to support two needed organizations.  The Easter offering will be divided between Feed Your Neighbor, a local food bank and Sew Hope, a Guatemalan community that was hit hard by both the pandemic and a hurricane. 

Feed Your Neighbor:

St. Michael’s has a history of offering non-perishable items to Feed your Neighbor.  In this time of virtual worship, hunger is still a great issue. Funding offers food banks opportunity to use bulk buy power to stack shelves. 

Sew Hope:

A portion of the Easter Offering will be allocated to Sew Hope’s Pandemic and Hurricane relief fund.  This organization, began by Toledo Christians, suffers greatly from this double devastation. Our parish involvement began with a food packing event called “Kids Against Hunger”.  This involved children and adults working together, assemble line style, to pack nutritious, dehydrated food to ship to Guatemala.  Sew Hope is currently building a new school, which will be completed this year!  Following St. Michael’s tradition, we will continue our sponsorship of two children living in Peten, Guatemala.  To learn more, visit: SewHope

Recognizing this year’s challenges & COVID restrictions, our committee would support ideas from parishioners for Outreach needs & opportunities.  Feel free to contact the Church Office to get in touch with our Outreach Committee!